Continuing to personalize our new doghouse! At last night’s meeting we had the FTC team come in and test their robot along with the new grabber design in a new space. We also went over basic safety basics, if you missed last night’s meeting please make sure you check in with the safety captain to figure out what you missed! The shelf in the ‘kitchen’ above the window is now filled with past trophies, take a look! You can ask older students or mentors all about the stories from regional events, you’ll learn a lot about our team’s history if you ask. Kick off is Saturday! Meeting times 9-12 and 1-4. Over lunch break you should download and read through the rules. Those interested in drive team for later on in the season will have a test over the rules, scoring, and how the game plays out. Be prepared! This will be the start of a great season.
Updates on FTC team:
At last night’s meeting students seemed rather distracted but in the end we got the next regional planned. Accidents occurred, repairs will be made. Life goes on.
January 25-26 is our next regional.
Drive team : Lauren, Jason, Wyatt
Overnight due to the excessive drive times.
Make sure you know your jobs for the regional, if not connect with Lauren.
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