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FIRST Overdrive®


The game was FIRST Overdrive®. It could be said that our team went into overdrive this year! A brilliant robot design from one of the students quickly became “Zeus”. The design included a simple but very effective four-bar linkage to quickly raise the 40” track ball over the overpass. We used Mecanum wheels for the first time and had great success. The extraordinary design earned us the Motorola Quality Award at both the Minnesota Regional and St. Louis Regional. At the St. Louis Regional we were ranked #4 with a record of 9-3-1. We partnered with 2044 and 2062.   In March we traveled to Minneapolis for the inaugural Minnesota Regional. Our robot performed beautifully, and with a great team of students, was undefeated with a record of 15-0-0. We won the first regional held in Minnesota, partnering with teams 93 and 2518. That win earned us a unique one of a kind blue banner. We were the #2 seed in the Archimedes Division at the Championship Event in Atlanta and selected team 27 and our Minnesota Regional friends from Wisconsin – team 93 to join us in the final rounds. We made it to the semi-final round. To top off the awards the team earned, John Deere Senior Staff Engineer and Swartdog mentor, Bruce Newendorp, was recognized with the Minnesota Regional Woodie Flowers Finalist Award. Bruce joined the team in its second year back in 2001.

Overdrive was the 2008 FRC game. The two alliances consist of 3 robots each. A HYBRID PERIOD starts the match. After 15 second, the driver took control of the robot. The game was played with four 40” diameter balls (two red, two blue). The field as 54 ft by 27 ft, divided by a fence with a 6 ft 6 inch overpass in the middle

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