Luckily we have no school today! More work time, and it’s longer than the actual school day, but much more fun! 8 am to 10 pm.
The race car is being painted. What is a race car you ask? You may be thinking that instead of a robot this year, we built an automobile built for racing at high speeds. But that is not true. The story of the race car began in 2010, but the name came from what it looked like. The race car is a stationary piece of wood used to support the robot when being worked on or transported. So to sum up, the piece of wood that the robot sits on is being painted. Orange on one side, black on another, featuring the traditional Bolt font 525 outlines with orange, black, and white. The driver’s station is drying with it’s last coat of polyurethane over top the traditional black with white and orange pinstriping and features, again, the Bolt font 525 rimmed with orange white and black. Anxious to get controls mounted, we probably should have had that board done weeks ago. But that’s a lesson learned for next year.
The robot has been tested last night and today. We’ve found what needs to be fixed and replaced. We’ve learned what parts need to be strengthened or changed. Working on that, and clean final wiring today!
Updating CAD models!
Executive summary for the Business Plan being completed. Chairman’s is almost done. Just waiting to hear back from the final editor.
Scrimmage and open house is being held tomorrow, students, don’t forget to bring soda or cookies or any other type of food item! Wear your Swartdogs shirts tomorrow! Show your team spirit, invite friends, family, and other community members to our open house. Need more information? Don’t hesitate to contact the team for the times and location.
Good luck teams!
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